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Sunday 19 August 2012

40s and 50s Fashion and more!

For those of you who have been on my Face book pages tonight you will have seen I have up loaded some of the photos from Fridays photo shoot and it's lovely to read all your comments too so thank-you. I'm trying so hard to get my costumes photographed so I can share them with you. In time many of these photos will be used for my web-site so do keep watching and I will keep you up to date with my blog! The Burlesque version of Evette the Spivette seems to be a hit or at least my costume is but then I took my insperation from Judy Garland and her Get Happy number and what a great look that was too!
Today I've been out and about trading and buying 1940s fashion. I took some time out to go to Ramsey and visit the 1940s fair. I had an apointment to see one of the dealers "1940's Style for You" and I was able to trade some of my old dresses and hats for some other 1940s clothes. I had had my eye on a couple of their hats and I was really pleased I could do a bit of a swop! While I was there I also picked up a fantastic 40s suite with knock-um dead shoulders and a couple of silk Spivvey ties! Evette loves her ties and I'm looking forward to wearing them when I next play her!
This evening I was over in Dunstable doing a radio interview for hospital radio and tomorrow I shall be performing a 1940s and 50s show for Biggleswade WI. I love the WI!
Anyway must dash - thanks for dropping in and do check out my new photos on Facebook.
Toodle Pip and Bye for Now!

1 comment:

  1. I am one of the co-founders of a new social network website that is based on fashion. It is called Outfit Hive and it's a place where people can upload their own looks and styles and also browse for inspiration. We have only just launched a couple of days ago, and we are still developing the website, but we know it will be very successful. We are currently emailing all fashion bloggers and stylists as very soon we will be looking for a stylist/blogger of the month. If you are interested please get in touch as we would like to hear more from you.
    You can set up a profile today and advertise your own blog ect by sharing a link on your profile.
    Also if you go to our facebook page and like it:
    we will be able to keep in touch with you about the opportunity to get yourself on the website as a stylist in the very near future.
    We look forward to hearing from you,
    OH! Director
