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Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Mixing Victorian with Going Mobile!

Today I have been meeting up with my web-designer Rachel to check on the progress of my web-site as we move into the modern world of going mobile. It's all very exciting looking at all the different formats and watching my site contract and expand depending on the devise it's being viewed on. In fact I predict that the most popular devise in the next few years will be the Samson Galaxy as the Iphone is starting to get left behind. Talking with people who use one alot are saying the Internet connection on the Iphone is very slow and the Galaxy is much better so we will just have to see. Tablets are quite the thing and I do use my Ipad alot at home. It's great for checking on my e-mails quickly and for facebook when I want to add a quick comment. I myself still uses an Orange brick when it comes to a phone but then I've always liked old things. However I have to be aware of technology and understand it's importance when it comes to running a business which is why I'm so lucky to have Rachel as my web-designer. She keeps me up to date with the technological advances even if I don't always understand them. So not long now - as going mobile here I come!
This month is promising to be really busy with Easter and St Georges day. My next public engagement will be on Easter Sunday 20th April when I head up to Wythenshawe Hall, Northenden, Manchester and perform for their Victorian Day. I shall be performing at 1pm and 3pm and I hope you can all make it along.  On 3rd May I'm performing at Whpsnade Village Hall. Tickets are £15 and include a cold buffet and the profects go towards The Whipsnade Church Fund. If you would like tickets please ring 07761 384970 Tel 01582 872552.
Time for bed I think. Thank you for following.
Toodle Pip for Now!

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