Behind the scenes of Cobbles to Rock! |
This weekend I have been working really hard having sung my way through a 100 years of music from Opera to Rock and Roll. It was Leighton Buzzard's Conservative Club's centenary and I was booked Saturday night to perform my "From Cobbles to Rock" theatre show for their champagne reception. I first developed the Cobbles show back in 1999 for the run up to the Millennium and then went on a theatre tour with the show in 2000. So it was rather nice to perform the show again having not done so for over a year. It is a full production show and tells the story of a 100 years of music and involes12 costume changes as each decade is linked with narration. In some cases I have only 12 seconds between each number to change costume and it's a big sing too. In this show I sing everything from Abba to Puccini and it's the show that earned me the title "A Voice in a Million" so I'm very proud of it. On this occasion I had the pleasure of working with sound engineer Andy Poulton who did a fantastic job so thank-you Andy it was great to work with you and I hope we can work together again soon. Your mix of Mamma Mia was just spot on!
Sound engineer Andy! |
Thank-you to Caroline too who invited me to the club and I'm so pleased your members enjoyed the show. It's very different and very theatrical but then that's me all over and any excuse to dress up. Mind you I notice a few of the costumes are now a little on the big side as I've lost weight so if I ever get booked to do the show again I need to have the odd one or two taken in.
After last nights show I had a very quick turn around and I was back on the road again this morning singing for the Houghton Regis Vintage Car show. I was booked to do 3 x 45 minute shows daily and after seeing the weather fore cast I was a bit worried so I made sure I took my mack!
Me on a Scooter at the Vintage Car Show! |
With it being a Vintage Car show I was booked to do a mix of periods from "We'll Meet Again" ATS to the swinging 1950s and 60s with a Big Band and Swing Hollywood set in the middle. Despite the awful weather fore cast I'm pleased to say there was a good turn out of vichels even though it was clear from the start the event was going to finish a little earlier than sheduled. All things considered we were quite lucky with the weather and for the most part the rain did keep off despite it being a little chilly. I feel rather proud of myself because I set up my big rig and mixed it myself today so I was really pleased with my sound. They did have a sound engineer and system for announcements but sometimes it's best to use your own rig because you know the sound you want and I do love my Ev speakers - they are the best!
Despite it being a bit of a cold damp day I really enjoyed myself and after all the vichels had left I put on a bit of a Rock and Roll show for all the organisers. It was great to see all the day glow jackets up and dancing on the green and a big thank-you to Tim who helped me put up my speakers this morning. It was great to work with you and here's to the next one!
Tomorrow I have lots of lose ends to tie up and a dress fitting in prep for "Salute to the 40s" so I'm looking forward to heading off to Chatham this weekend as I have some great shows planed.
Well must dash as I have lots of costumes to sort out and put away. Thanks for following
Keep Watching and Toodle Pip!
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