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Friday, 26 July 2013

A Royal Baby Celabration Show and off to Thanet!

Firstly can I start my blog tonight by thanking you all for your kind text and face book messages wishing me well over this past week. As so many of you already know I have been laid up in bed with a tummy bug but I'm pleased to say I'm feeling so much better and I was back to work today with my first show in five days. I confess at first I felt a little away with the fairies to begin with but I soon got back into my stride and it was lovely to be back behind a microphone again singing. I'm still a little week and after standing for an hour I was ready for a cup of tea and a sit down but I got through it OK and I'm looking forward to a busy weekend.
Speaking of which tomorrow I will be performing in Pincess Risborough for a Celebration of the new Royal birth - so I shall be singing all my baby songs. Baby Face, Yes Sir that's my Baby, I can't Give you Anything but Love Baby and all that sort of thing so I had better finish off my show plans. Then Sunday I'm heading down to Ramsgate bright and early as I'm booked to sing for a 1940s event "Thanet at War" taking place at Government Acre, Ramsgate, CT11 0HE. So I hope you can all make it along. I shall be on stage at 12 noon with my ATS "We'll Meet Again" Show and then back on at 3pm with my American Swing Show so I hope you can all make it along to see me. I shall be staying over in Ramsgate Sunday night and then dashing back to North London Monday morning as I'm booked to sing for a Synagogue in Harrow with my "Putting on the Ritz" show so it's all go.
In the mean time sorry I haven't been able to answer all your e-mails this week but I am on the case and I will set to it tomorrow.
As for now - bed beckons and thank-you once again for all your kind comments. There are times when I have to give in to being human much as I hate to but it does look like I'm on the mend at long last.
Thanks for following and Toodle Pip for Now!

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